### *** v. *** Known Issues: * Map from URLs are not showing the preview during creation, this does not prevent the map from being sized and created however. We're working with TeamDev (JxBrowser) to correct the issue. Keep in mind that you can alter the grid scale and map offset after creation from the Map Properties panel. This is important for this bug as it lets ULR Maps work while we wait for the bug fix from TeamDev. * Additionally status bars on tokens is current disabled as it was impacting map rendering performance. We're looking into a alternate ways to render the additional data and bring that functionality back online. * Extensions and script bindings for some data types are current not working as intended, this is a side effect of the 7.x update to JxBrowser -- we have open tickets with TeamDev and are working to resolve the problem. If there is not a solution from the TeamDev side, we've got a few options to work around the issue by building an interpreter which would let us make internal calls with various data type return values in a javascript friendly way. * The new RabbitMQ networking is not ready yet. Bug fixes and updates: * Added basic support for animated gif tokens * Added support for color selection per fog of war region * Updated and correct Full Screen support via the F11 button. * Updated JxBrowser to version 7.0 with media support (massive update -- keep an eye out for any issues with extensions) * Added a version update checker to the User Home (page after initial login on the launcher) * Added a toggle to turn on/off the PSA to the User Home. * Added elevation concept to Lights and Fog of War objects. * Added label display system to Fog of War objects. * Updated video playback renderer to loop selected videos background source. * Fixed bug with visibility toggle not showing the a translucent token when toggled to invisible/dynamic. * Restored the Starfinder RP/SP visualization on the built-in character sheets. * Realized the player options panel didn't have access to "Themes" -- fixed that, now players can have themes too.